Prayer Shawl Instructions

Before You Begin:

Because this is a spiritual practice, before one begins the knitting or crocheting process, a blessing or prayer can be said, dedicating the work of your hands and the intentions of the receiver.  You may want to have music or bible reading from your phone or device, I recommend YouVersion. This is to enhance your work time, remembering that this is a prayerful time. I find that this time also brings me closer to the Holy Spirit.


  When working in a group, you may want to pass the work-in-progress around the circle, asking each person to add some stitches to the shawl, or to just hold it for a while to add their prayers, energy and good wishes.



While Making the Shawl:


Pray, sing, say bible verses, think about what the recipient of the shawl will need, if you know their name. 



After Completing Shawl:


You may want to add beads and/or charms to the fringe.  They can be new or parts of old pieces of jewelry. This is not necessary, but are nice touches.


They not only add beauty, but also can be used to inspire or aid meditation.
Before you give it away, say a blessing or prayer
over the shawl, keeping the receiver in mind.  Another nice touch is enclosing a *potpourri sachet scented with lavender oil, a calming aroma or any essential oil that you like.  It is also good to enclose an explanation and/or a blessing, prayer or wish for the receiver.  For instance, if you choose a symbolic color for the yarn, beads or charms; it's interesting and helpful to explain your reason.

*The inclusion of a scented sachet is not recommended if the receiver of the shawl is

sensitive to fragrances, is pregnant, undergoing chemotherapy, has emphysema or chronic respiratory issues.


Giving to Recipient:


Take the shawl to the church, and use the Contact Form to leave me a message that you have left the shawl at the church. We will make sure that the recipient receives the shawl.




