Color Chart

This is a basic ad hoc list of colors and some of the attributes associated with them.  It might be helpful to use

it as a guideline when you’re selecting a color for a particular person for whom you’re creating a Prayer Shawl.


RED - love, passion, respect, energy, enthusiasm, courage, understanding, motivation, strength, warmth, vigor


MAROON – bravery, strength,


MAGENTA – spirituality, meditation, imagination, release, new beginnings


PINK - friendship, compassion, sensitivity, generosity, warm-heartedness, nurturing, soothing, admiration, gratitude, appreciation


ORANGE - thoughtfulness, vitality, attraction, creativity, energy, enthusiasm, warmth


PEACH – innocence, empathy, harmony, warmth, peace


YELLOW - wisdom, learning, optimism, intuition, faith, well-being, friendship, energizing, happiness, sociability


GREEN - earth, healing, prosperity, fertility, clarity, sympathy, hope, renewal, health, balance

                 confidence, abundance, growth, life; this color is mentally and physically relaxing


AQUA – courage, balance, harmony, stability, soothing


TURQUOISE – happy, relaxing, refreshing, rejuvenating


BLUE - water, healing, meditation, tranquility, honesty, loyalty, communication, peace,

              sincerity, wisdom, spirituality, faith, self-esteem, universal color, cool & calming


TEAL – trustworthy, devotion


INDIGO - wisdom, insight, instinct, integration, integrity, spiritual nature


VIOLET - Spirit, spirituality, intuition, truth, memory, nostalgia, humility,

                   comfort during grief or mourning, peaceful


PURPLE - power, leadership, royalty, truth, justice, temperance, spirituality, wisdom


BROWN – wholesome, honesty, steadfastness, simplicity, friendliness, dependability, down-to-earth, stability


BEIGE – optimism, simplicity, calming


BLACK – Self confidence, strength, protection, absorbs negativity, mature wisdom


WHITE- Spirit, innocence, protection, peace, purity, virtue, gentleness, perfection,

   illumination, reverence, humility


GOLD - masculine energy, enlightenment


SILVER - feminine energy, intuition, flexibility


GRAY – strength, balance, reliable

